Have a requirement where we need to add 'Preview Publish Page'
button/item under the Page tab in the Sidekick. On click of the
button/item it would popup a new window with the target url of that page
in Publishing instance.
In short I want a capability of the
adding a feature in side kick which will give me a publishing instance
preview of the page.
My approach: We can find sidesick.js (libs/cq/ui/widgetes/source/widgets/wcm/SideKick.js) where all the properties like Copy Page,
Move Page, Activate Page and so on..are configured..
I'm going to add one more entry called 'preview Publish page' in the
Same sidekick.jse and I can able to see 'prview publish page' button in
the sidekick.Now, I will configure that entry to open a new window which
redirects to the publish page url.
Customize sidekick:
Here I’ve
customized the SideKick.js such a way that it adds one more button called ‘Preview
Publish Page’ under the Page tab in the sidekick. When we click on the button
it opens a new window and opens the current page in preview mode.
Customization starts at Line no:
100 to 107 in SideKick.js
/** -------------- Custom ------------------**/
* @cfg {String} previewPublishText
* The text for the Preview Publish button (defaults to "Preview Publish Page").
/** ----------------------------------------**/
Customization starts at Line no:
558 & Ends at 607 in SideKick.js
/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
* Returns the config for the default Create Sub Page button.
* @private
* @return {Object} The config for the default Create Sub Page button
getPreviewPublishPageConfig: function() {
var allowed =
CQ.User.getCurrentUser().hasPermissionOn("wcm/core/privileges/modifyhierarchy", this.getPath())
CQ.User.getCurrentUser().hasPermissionOn("create", this.getPath());
return {
"text": this.previewPublishText,
"disabled": !allowed,
"handler": function() {
if (!CQ.WCM.isPreviewMode())
this.wcmMode =
if (!this.previewReload)
} else {
} else {
// make sure the button stays
var myRef =
* This opens the specified url in new the tab
window.open('http://www.techaspect.com/'); // --> this opens a new tab on my browser
url: 'PHP function call',
success: function(response) {
window.open('http://www.techaspect.com/'); // --> this opens a new window, not tab
"context": [
/** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
Added Line no: 3264
CQ.I18n.getMessage("Preview Publish Page"),
Customization starts at Line no:
3680 - 3687
/** --------------------------------------------------------------***/
* The value for {@link
#actions} to create a PreviewPublish page button.
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Added Line no: 3790
After adding
the above lines of code in SideKick.js, we can see a customized button in
sidekick as shown in the above figure.